The South African Society for Animal Science (SASAS), formerly known as the South African Society of Animal Production (SASAP), traces its roots back to its establishment on April 28, 1961. However, the concept of forming a South African association was conceived several years prior to this date. In 1954, two Ph.D. students, Wim Verbeek and Danie Joubert, initiated discussions while meeting in a tea room on Petty Cury Lane, Cambridge. These discussions, with the guidance of Drs. FN Bonsma and Gideon N Louw, laid the groundwork for the Society's objectives and statutes, ultimately leading to its founding meeting.
Adhering to the motto "Experiencia docet," meaning "experience is the best teacher," SASAS is dedicated to advancing the field of animal science and promoting sustainable animal production systems. The Society places a strong emphasis on conserving natural resources and safeguarding the environment, all in the pursuit of serving the interests of human welfare. SASAS is particularly focused on addressing relevant issues specific to the southern African region.
SASAS's scope of interests encompasses a wide range of topics related to the husbandry of farm livestock species, including cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, ostriches, and horses. This encompasses not only the animals themselves but also the products derived from them, such as meat, milk, dairy products, wool, mohair, leather, and eggs. Additionally, the Society takes an interest in relevant aspects of aquatic and wildlife species. Key disciplines within SASAS include nutrition, genetics, physiology, meat science, wool science, and pasture science. Sociological and managerial aspects related to livestock production and farming systems also fall within SASAS's purview.
Bursary description
NOTE: Applications for the SASA Post-Graduate Bursary are closed and will open later in the year.
SASAS has various activities to serve the members of the Society including the South African Journal of Animal Science (SAJAS), which provides a platform for local and international animal scientists to publish their scientific research in a peer-reviewed journal. SAJAS has a dedicated editor to ensure an effective process for publishing high quality and relevant research to Southern Africa and subtropical regions of the world.
Requirements and eligibility
The applicant shall be at least a student member of the Society (apply electronically) who has graduated at a South African university. (Nationality is not a restriction).
The candidate must have qualified with at least a BSc (Agric.) in Animal Science or Animal Production.
The applicant shall be a postgraduate student who must be registered to do an Honours or a Masters degree in Animal Science / Animal Production at a South African university.
The applicant shall undertake to complete the Honours degree within two (2) years and the Masters degree within four (4) years.
In the case where the student fails to complete his study, SASAS reserves the right to claim the total amount plus ten per cent (10%) interest from the recipient. (Upon recommendation from promoter)
Due recognition of the bursary must be given in the thesis and in any publication accruing from the study.
How to apply
Complete the application found in the application link and obtain the supporting documents. These must be physically handed to The Secretary, SASAS, PO Box 13884, Hatfield, 0028, Pretoria or emailed to
The supporting documents consist of:
A certified copy of the graduation certificate for degrees already acquired by the applicant.
A certified copy of an official statement of all subjects and symbols already completed, undergraduate as well as postgraduate as applicable.