Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD)
Equitable access to land, integrated rural development, sustainable agriculture and food security for all
To accelerate land reform, catalyse rural development and improve agricultural production to stimulate economic development and food security through :
transformed land ownership patterns
agrarian reform
implementation of an effective land administration system
sustainable livelihoods
innovative sustainable agriculture
promotion of access to opportunities for youth, women and other vulnerable groups
integrated rural development
People centred service standards
Courtesy and compassion
Professionalism and accountability
Effective communication and transparency
Respect and integrity (ethics and honesty)
Alignment of DALRRD outcomes to government priorities
Outcome indicators
Contribution to priorities
Outcome 1: Improved governance and service excellence
100% compliance with legal prescripts
100% achievement of KPIs
Outcome 2: Spatial transformation and effective land administration
Effective application of spatial development planning and land
use management
Legislative mechanism and policy measures to provide legally
secure tenure to all citizens
Integrated land administration system
Outcome 3: Redress and equitable access to land and producer support
Increase in access or ownership of land by previously disadvantaged people in South Africa
2500 smallholder producers commercialised
2 and 3
Outcome 4: Increased production in the agricultural sector
10% increase in value of agricultural production by 2025
Outcome 5: Increased market access and maintenance of existing markets
1.5% increase of agricultural exports
1% increase of domestic use (value added) of agricultural products
2, 3 and 7
Outcome 6: Integrated and inclusive rural economy
Number of jobs created in rural areas
Number of Agri-parks fully functional
Outcome 7: Enhanced Biosecurity and effective disaster and risk reduction
100% compliance with biosecurity policies and measures
Bursary description
The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) intends to award comprehensive bursaries to qualifying applicants pursuing and/or intending to further their studies in identified careers in the agriculture, land reform and rural development sector for the 2023 academic year. The bursary will cover tuition, accommodation, books, meals and a monthly allowance. The bursary awards target previously disadvantaged and impoverished persons from poverty-stricken and rural communities.
Postgraduate studies (Adv Dip/B.Tech, B.Sc. Hons, M.Sc., D.Tech. and Ph.D.) in ONLY AGRICULTURAL FIELDS of studies priority research projects.
Requirements and eligibility
• Applicants must be South African citizens.
• Applicants must complete the relevant bursary application forms available from the website address:
• Applicants who apply for fields of study that are not listed will not be considered.
• Please note that communication will be limited to successful applicants only. If you have not received any communication from the department within 14 days after the release of Grade 12 results and after the National Bursary Committee has finalised the selection process, consider your application unsuccessful.
• The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development reserves the right to determine the total number of bursary allocations for the academic year based on the total budget available.
• No late application forms will be considered.
• Applicants who are not in possession of their University acceptance letter or Final results can submit their application while waiting for the said documents.
How to apply
All completed bursary application forms together with certified copies of ID and certificates/perfomance results should be sent to ONLY ONE of the following addresses:
Postal Address:
The Director
Sector Education and Training
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
Private Bag X250
Physical Address:
Agriculture Place
20 Steve Biko (Former Beatrix) Street
Arcadia, Pretoria