Allan Gray's mission revolves around fostering impactful and socially responsible entrepreneurship. The organization actively seeks out young individuals who possess the potential to make a transformative impact on the world through their vigor, inquisitiveness, and innovative perspectives on the challenges we encounter and how to address them. Allan Gray's role is to nurture and support this potential by leveraging their network of partners, programs, and resources.
The Foundation adopts a comprehensive approach to entrepreneurship development, with a primary focus on three crucial facets: instilling an entrepreneurial mindset in their Scholars, Candidate Fellows, and Fellows; honing entrepreneurial skills in their Fellows; and maintaining relevance within the African context while comprehending global entrepreneurial landscapes.
Bursary description
The objective of the Allan Gray Orbis Fellowship Bursary is to assist university students in readiness for a future as influential and socially responsible entrepreneurs. Eligible candidates should either be in Grade 12 or in their first year at university, and they must maintain a minimum academic average of 70%. Upon successfully securing the bursary, recipients are inducted as Candidate Allan Gray Fellows.
Level 5 (Above 60%) in pure mathematics for final Grade 11 results
Level 6 average (Above 70%) for final Grade 11 results (excl. Life Orientation)
Completion of the National Benchmark test in 2020
Applicants must be under the age of 21 in the year of their application
South African Citizenship
Intention to study towards a Commerce, Science, Engineering, Law, Humanities, Arts & Health Science (Excluding Medicine, Veterinary Science and Dentistry) degree at the WITS, UJ, UCT, NMU, RU, UWC, SU, UP, UFS and UKZN)
1st year applicant requirements:
Minimum average of 65% for your 2020 mid-year (June) exam results
Applicants must be under the age of 22 in the year of their application
Application opening date: 4 May 2020
South African Citizenship
Studying towards a Commerce, Science, Engineering, Law, Humanities, Arts & Health Science (Excluding Medicine, Veterinary Science and Dentistry) degree at the WITS, UJ, UCT, NMU, RU, UWC, SU, UP, UFS and UKZN.
How to apply
Applications are currently closed and will reopen on 1 February 2024.
You can apply for the Allan Gray Orbis Fellowship Bursary online by creating an account on the website. You can also download the application form and submit it by hand delivering it to:
46 Hof Street, Oranjezicht
Cape Town
8th Floor, Florum Building
2 Maude Street, Sandton
Allan Gray Orbis Foundation,
Freepost no: CB 11349
Kloof Street, 8008