The MAD Leadership Foundation is committed to the identification, cultivation, and advancement of South Africa's future leaders. The foundation takes pride in delivering an all-encompassing, tailored, and enduring scholarship programme that not only offers financial assistance but also encompasses mentorship and guidance in personal, academic, and leadership growth.
The foundation has structured its approach to cater to the unique needs of individual scholars, establishing a personal rapport with each one and providing comprehensive support that spans the entirety of their academic pursuits.
Bursary description
The MAD Scholarship Programme is currently closed.
The MAD Leadership Foundation is guided by a core mission: to foster the development of leadership by facilitating access to educational opportunities. In pursuit of this objective, the foundation identifies outstanding scholars who demonstrate strong academic potential but face financial barriers. It provides extensive assistance encompassing education, leadership development, and life skills.
The foundation places significant focus on its Scholarship Programme, which, by 2018, had positively impacted the lives of more than 200 scholars.
Requirements and eligibility
Applicants should carefully study the criteria before applying to ensure they qualify for this specific opportunity:
Learners in Grade 7 to Grade 12
Should have an academic performance >65% aggregate
Gross combined income per household per month should not exceed R25 000
Must be a South African citizen
Speaks and understands basic English
Embraces a strong value system and sense of responsibility
Multiple scholarships are offered by MAD at different times in the year. Applications are to be done following guidelines specific to that scholarship. To lookout for these scholarships, follow their social media platforms (Facebook) OR click this link
A formal application is submitted to the MAD leadership foundation, including: personal and financial information, academic records, information about participation in cultural and/or sporting activities, leadership experience and other achievements, and voluntary involvement in the community.
Applications are to be submitted to: