The South African Institute of Black Property Practitioners (SAIBPP) is a South African-based non-profit organisation tasked with advocating for and facilitating socio-economic transformation within the property sector and built environment. Now in its 22nd year of existence, SAIBPP is a well-established entity that has been instrumental in shaping key national policy pertaining to B-BBEE legislation and driving SMME development in the property sector and continues to lead the charge in this regard.
SAIBPP runs numerous programmes that aim to address the root causes of low (less than 10%) black participation in the South African commercial property sector, with a primary focus on skills development, enterprise development, and policy formation. Through our various programmes, events and strong relationships with the public sector and the business community at large, SAIBPP aim to ensure equitable representation and meaningful participation in the property industry for those who have been historically denied access to the sector through exclusionary legislative and economic policies.
Bursary description
The SAIBPP Bursary Fund, which is now in its 4th year,was created to enable access to tertiary education for aspiring and current students with financial need who are pursuing full-time studies in property or related studies.
Requirements and eligibility
To be eligible you must meet the following criteria:
South African citizen
Grade 12 learners who are intending to enroll for their 1st year of full-time academic studies
Matriculants who have passed with university exemption and are currently employed
Students who are currently enrolled full-time in a South African tertiary institution for a relevant course of study.
Willing to become a student member of SAIBPP and engage in community outreach.
Proven record of academic performance & excellent academic results (in the case of current matriculants, final Grade 11 and June results will be required)
Proof of financial need
How to apply
Fill out the application form and obtain the necessary supporting documents and submit it via email to with the subjects as "Bursary programme." This must be done before the closing date of 15th December 2020.
The supporting documents include:
1. South African ID
2. Grade 12 results
3. Last year’s results (or your latest results if you are not studying this year)
4. Official Matric / NSC results if you have completed Grade 12
5. Tertiary students: Year end results or progress report of all subjects (if no examinations were written)